Piedmont 10th st. atlanta paint gay pride rainbow

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Sure you can hit the club or plan a spa day, but why settle for something expected when these unique ideas are sure to be fun and a celebration you won’t soon forget.

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Unconventional Bachelor or Bachelorette Party Yoga with llamas? That’s exactly what’s on tap at the Alpaca Treehouse. We’re sharing where to celebrate memorable occasions at equally unique Atlanta locations and venues.

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(📷: Chucky Foto Bar Vegan) Where to Celebrate Break-ups, Pet Birthdays & More Quirky EventsĪfter what we’ve all been through the past couple of years, is it any wonder that people are ready to get out and celebrate - literally just about anything? If you’re also thinking outside the box, then this list of altbashes in ATL is for you. Celebrate being newly single or the 5th anniversary of your 29th birthday.

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